Getting approved for a personal loan with bad credit has never been easier. Facing rejection for a loan when you are in a sensitive situation only because you don’t have a good credit score or job history is one of the worst experiences. But with us, all your emergency needs or instant cash requirements are taken care of. Our best offering is the car title loan since it is unique and convenient that’s why it appeals to the borrowers. Let’s get into the details of this loan.
What Is A Car Title Loan?
A car title loan or car pawn loan is given using the title of your fully-paid car. The loan, since it is given on the basis of the title of your car, does not require a stable credit score or job history details. When you keep the title as collateral, you are free to have the car to yourself and drive it around depending on your convenience. It is a type of installment loan that is given for at least 4 years and its terms and conditions are decided according to your preferences.
How To Apply For The Personal Loan?
The process of applying for this personal loan with bad credit is very easy. You just have to follow through the following steps:
Identify the debts you want to settle using the loaned money. A car title loan can be used for any purpose without any restrictions.
Step 2:
Fill up the short and simple application form on our official website. You only need to fill up some basic information, such as; your name, age, car model, kilometers run, etc.
Step 3:
Once we have your information, our representative will conduct the document verification and vehicle inspection. The amount of loan you will receive depends on the condition and equity value of your car. We will verify the following documents:
- Proof of legal age.
- A vehicle that is not more than ten years old.
- A valid Canadian driver’s license.
- Proof of your permanent residency.
- A second set of car keys.
- Proof of registration of car under your name.
- An all inclusive car insurance policy under your name (collision and deductible).
Step 4:
Once we are satisfied with your credentials, we will approve the loan and hand over the money to you within 24 hours. Only the car title and spare set of keys will stay with us.
So, if you have any monetary need, get a personal loan with bad credit from us at Loan Center Canada. Call our toll-free number at 1(844) 604-4143.
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